My Design Method

Over the years I have developed a time-tested approach to solving brand puzzles for a wide variety of businesses. It requires 3 vital steps, each contributing to the success of the greater whole.


At first, we get under the skin of your brand to understand what really sets you apart from your rivals. It takes rigorous research to uncover these truths and we are unafraid to dive deep to gain clarity about you and your market habitat. Just as importantly, we take a close look at your ideal audience; their motives, rituals, passions, needs and desires. Then together with you and your partners we identify the most pressing consumer touch points, which would directly appeal to your audience.


We alleviate risk because we never shoot in the dark. The knowledge gained in the discovery phase helps us identify the most relevant design territories for your brand and also rule out overly tried and trite directions. After that our analytical side takes a back seat and raw creativity is unleashed. We explore numerous creative paths and leave no stones unturned in search for the most vivid expression that will help you stand out from the sea of others. Then we test the new identity concepts by developing a select set of practical applications that allow you to visualize how the new branding expresses itself beyond the logo. 


Finding the most compelling branding solution is a key, but to make a real difference it has to be produced in a variety of media channels with outmost quality, care and bespoke fit and finish. We work closely with some of the finest yet cost efficient vendors in the industry to make sure that the original design intent is never compromised. Because at the end of the day, it’s the little details that separate great brands from me-toos. They speak volumes about your company and leave a memorable impression in the memory banks of your customers. It’s that consistent quality and authenticity that will make them hooked and come back for more.